Sanctuary     by Kate White

Sanctuary by Kate White

Sanctuary   by Kate White I’d like to be able to say this is an epiphany but it’s not. I want to press on home. I’m anointed by the light of the phone box, looking out on hard rain, the closed off-licence. It’s clean of cards and dry enough...
What you left out   by Laura Scott

What you left out by Laura Scott

What you left out   by Laura Scott The first time I heard it, its notes went through me like milk through water, clouding into my bones so I knew the end before it had even begun. I sat and listened as you told me the story of the old man and his three daughters, how...
September 2013

September 2013

When I came to type up the poems I’d accepted for the ‘Summer’ Rialto (No. 78) I found I was several pages short of an issue. So I have had to do some concentrated reading to find more, excellent, poems. And at about the same time as I was doing this...
E.D.P. – The Editor Development Programme

E.D.P. – The Editor Development Programme

E.D.P – The Editor Development Programme The Editor Development Programme is now live. If you want to be considered for it you’ll have to make haste as the closing date for applications is at the end of this week. We have been talking about this programme...
The Cley Little Festival of Poetry

The Cley Little Festival of Poetry

Date – Saturday May 25th 2013 Guiding Principle Three poets are invited: One well-known poet plus two protégés. The invited poet invites two lesser known &/or unpublished poets (whose work the guest poet feels is unfairly little known or under-rated). All...

Sheep – Michael Mackmin

If I invert Sir Philip Sidney’s famous maxim (‘to teach and to delight’) I get a statement, of sorts, that the key to learning to be a reader of poetry is in the ability to learn and to be delighted. And here’s something that will help tune you...

A day at the poetry

The Cley Little Festival of Poetry, in my experience, circles around the village of Cley but doesn’t settle there, ranging between Sheringham and Wiveton along the coast road. They very generously invite me to suggest themes, poets etc., from time to time and...