Masha Zrabl

Masha Zrabl

There’s a feeling when you see a stranger who resembles someone you once knew, of being thrown off kilter, caught between two people, one present before you and the other present only in your memory. I had such an experience in the Sainsbury Centre in Norwich, looking...
Down at the White Horse, Feat. Bob the Barman

New York: A Little Poetry Adventure

I recently undertook a bit of a poetry adventure. It was across the pond, in a place called New York. I heard once that a lot of poetry comes from there and I went to see for myself. And it’s true! The rules and agenda for this adventure were simple: 1) Find a...
Masha Zrabl

On Thomas Bouesset

Among those figures who emerge occasionally from the back of my mind, people like the Twenties’ singer Blind Blake who played ragtime and blues across the southern states before everyone plugged in and moved to Chicago, or the thirteenth-century wandering architect of...
Masha Zrabl

On Bibliographies

There is nothing so tedious and wonderful as a list of books. I once attended an academic conference held at a boarding school run by monks. A strange place, especially out of term, when the monastic round of lauds, compline etc. continued in the mostly empty...